Sunday, April 27, 2014

Have You Seen This?... The Ever-Expanding World of Going Viral

It seems like every day there seems to be a new trend such as a YouTube video that you just "have to see!". Everything from Rebecca Black to Grumpy Cat is popular based on the phrase "going viral". Today's blog will focus on how certain trends and videos go viral, successful examples, and finally how this can help you in strategic communication. Going viral is only a click away!

Keyboard cat

Popular viral videos (as seen above with "Keyboard Cat") do not have to be of anything in particular, it literally can be of anything, what it does have to be is entertaining and yes, gain audience exposure so it can be shared. Once something is put online and become public, it has in the sense "gone viral". The key is to make you or in a strategic communications professional 's case your client or product stand out against the thousands of other videos online. The viral campaign needs to be original, something that the audience finds appealing and of course get the product or client noticed by the public. A successful example would be the bottled water aptly titled "Smart Water".  Super star Jennifer Aniston, who is the face for the brand of "Smart Water", stars in the video which pokes a little fun about how videos go viral.. In the sense it's a viral video that specifically is about going viral! Does that make sense? The campaign was a huge hit and has over a 2 million views, it is largely associated with bringing "Smart Water" into the public eye (although the brand has been around since 2006) and created a thriving business which has since made more commercials with Aniston, as well as actor Jeremy Piven and endorsements by New England quarterback Tom Brady. Watch the full campaign below:

A successful viral campaign can lead to great success, let's go back to 1999 when the term "going viral" was just starting to be used. One of the most successful viral marketing campaigns was created during this time and still holds the record for one of the most original campaigns that others still try to duplicate today. "The Blair Witch Project" was one of the first films to be shot in "found footage style", it looked surprisingly realistic and the directors marketed it has a true event. The marketing took place almost entirely online starting with a website ( created by the directors detailing the legend of the Blair Witch. A few months after the existing website had been made public, posters and ads with the pictures of  three "missing" students began to hit online along with snippets of the "found footage". People were immediately interested and many legitimately thought the film was real. That was all part of the appeal, thanks to the viral marketing campaign part of the fright was not knowing if the film was real or fake. The viral campaign which started around 6 months before the film premiered only cost $1 million for the studio, the film made the marketing fees back in its first weekend in limited release. "The Blair Witch Project" became the sleeper hit of the 1999 summer movie season and even after it had been revealed that the film was in fact fiction, the marketing campaigns were so realistic many still believed it was true. "The Blair Witch Project" ended up grossing over $248 million dollars and became the most profitable movie of all time (based on production costs) until 2009's "Paranormal Activity" which featured many of the same marketing tactics brought to light by "The Blair Witch Project". When creating viral campaigns, one of the most important things to remember is originality. People want to see something unique and new, it is crucial to make your campaign stick out.

Viral videos can be very useful as we have talked about already, but it is also important to know that not every viral video is necessarily beneficial. As we have talked about in other blog posts, smart phones are everywhere, anyone at any time can pull out their phone and take a picture or upload a video. This process literally takes seconds. Seconds can tear someone's reputation, career, relationship, etc. Look at the news and I can almost guarantee that there is something in the news about a comment or action that has landed someone in hot water. Case in point, LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling. But, Donald Sterling isn't the first nor will he be the last to make foolish comments. Look at "Seinfeld" alum Michael Richards whose racial outburst at a local California comedy club was taped and hit the web soon after or actor Mel Gibson who seems to have had more meltdowns and anger issues caught on tape than movies the last few years. Don't ever put yourself in a situation where you could be the top story on TMZ.

However, viral videos or products going viral can be a great outlet for strategic communications. Many organizations, companies, and individuals see this as a great trend and tool that can be utilized so it's important to keep up to date and always be thinking of creative ideas! Who knows you could be the next YouTube sensation! Or at least work on a viral marketing campaign.

I hope you enjoyed learning about viral videos! What's your favorite viral video? A viral marketing campaign that caught your eye? Do you think the trend is here to stay? Post your answers below and leave your thoughts!

Thanks for reading!


Sunday, April 20, 2014

To Blog or Not to Blog?

Have you ever wanted to write about fashion? Let people know what you thought of this weekend's new movie release? Or maybe find out what are some new summer recipes are? Look no further than the world of blogging. Blogs are essentially your words put online, typically very easy to set up as well as keep track of. Blogs are not limited to celebrities, sports stars, professional chefs and politicians (although they do have them!) but anyone can create their very own blog. With the increasing popularity and some surveys even show that people trust blogs over more professional and classic media such as the news or papers, is this a good thing? We'll examine the idea of a blog and learn about what you need to know about the blogosphere.

typing gif photo: Typing like mad jim-carrey-mad-typing.gif

Blogs can cover any area or any subject you like, the material is all up to you! I for instance, love distance running events such as half-marathons and marathons. When I first started running about three years ago, I searched for training plans as well as races I would like to do (and of course medal designs!) as well as reviews of races and running materials. Looking back, it's amazing to see how far some of my favorite bloggers have come, some reached their goal weight, ran a personal record, and even some work for various athletic/race organizations all thanks to their blog. That's right, you can have a career in blogging. When watching news media outlets such as Good Morning America, The Today Show, as well as FOX News and CNN, many times you will see professional bloggers in for interview or panelist for roundtable type discussions. Look in magazines, especially if the focus is fashion and/or pop culture, you are bound to see bloggers offer their input, there are even job positions that offer blogging as part of the job especially when dealing with journalism and media. When blogs begin to gain national attention, it can be quite the lucrative career if you are fortunate enough to "make it big". For example, blogger Jenny Lawson, whose blog goes by the name of "The Bloggess" found a following with her witty stories and experiences so much so she wrote a book titled  Let's Pretend This Never Happened...A Mostly True Memoir. The book was a hit and her blog became even more popular after the release as well as more publicity for the blog itself.

But, are there some downsides to a world of blogs and what about using them as an official source? As stated earlier, blogs are mostly composed of normal individuals who happen to be knowledgeable or some even what to gain more knowledge about a certain subject/subjects.  People may feel like a blog is more truthful since it is just (usually) a regular person, they aren't trying to "sell" you something or their motives seem more pure and harmless. Some bloggers absolutely have the education, expertise, training, etc. to back up what they are talking about, others can just be someone who decided to write down ideas online. Blog advice can be very good and insightful, but as people say you can't believe everything you read on the Internet. Fake news is often leaked online and often stems from rumors and spreads quickly.

                (FAKE news reports and rumors that spread online and through gossip blogs)

As it was mentioned earlier, a blog can be made up of anything you like, it's similar to having complete creative control, you can virtually talk and write about anything you please. While most is innocent, conspiracy theorists often run rampant and some information is so well written, it could be scary how many people could believe certain rumors to be true. It's crucial to examine facts and as always when dealing with matters online to use your head, if something sounds to good to be probably is. Sometimes blogs can be an escape for certain individuals and alarmingly can lead into their true thoughts. Back in 1998, before there was Facebook, Twitter, or the common use of the word blog, AOL was known for having easily created websites. Essentially these websites were blogs, used for writing thoughts, ideas, pictures, basically anything you wanted to share with the world. Eventual Columbine High School killer Eric Harris took to AOL to write about his distain for his school and classmates as well as detailed plans for the shooting a full year before the event took place. The website was eventually taken down after it was made public, the website was relatively unknown until the shooting in April 1999, but similar scenarios exist today. Blog and message board postings were found by Aurora Theater suspect James Holmes as well as Newtown shooter Adam Lanza. It was rumored that Boston Marathon Bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had a personal blog discussing plans for a potential terrorist attack as well as offensive tweets regarding the actual event, of course all accounts have since been removed or blocked due to the situation. If you do happen to come across any accounts you perceive as harmful then it is important to notify someone immediately. Many potential tragedies have been stopped due to those who notice something odd or off-putting about something written online, use your best judgment and remember to think and be smart about all situations involved online.

if it s on the internet  it must be true

Now that we've discussed the precautions with blogs, lets get back to the positives! Blogs provide a great way to learn more about areas that interest you and most are just fun to read. There are even Blogger Meet-Up Events that let you meet your favorite blogger in person, you might be so inspired that you go home and start your own blog! You never know what your own blog could lead to...a new job? New friends? A move deal? Go ahead and get blogging today!

Question: Do you follow any blogs just for fun? What's your favorite? Do you ever get your news from a blog?

Leave your thoughts and let me know what you think!

Thanks for reading!


Monday, April 7, 2014

Social Media Society

The blog post today deals with one of my favorite areas of communication...Social Media. Now, those that don't know much about social media may just view it as an outlet for an endless supply of "selfies" or postings of today's brunch and while some may use it for those sole purposes, in reality it can be quite beneficial. In fact, there are positions with top companies and organizations that deal specifically with social media and having the knowledge of these tools may just put you over the candidate who can't tell their Pinterest account from Instagram. We'll look at some examples of how social media works today and how it is a way to communicate from everything to the presidential election to what movie will be number one at the box office and just what is in store for the newest possibilities to communicate online.

When breaking stories hit, the first place it normally hits is online. Think back to some stories you first heard about online, chances are it was something that peaked your interest or got your attention. Some stories don't have to be serious or hard-hitting, but it must be interesting to go viral or in other terms "break the internet" with the abundance of online chaos it causes. Let's look at a few cases where social media has come into play into areas of breaking stories, news, and entertainment.

In November of 2013, SEC college football rivals The University of Georgia and Auburn University were gearing up for their annual match-up at Jordan-Hare Stadium. Auburn was coming off a historically bad season in 2012 but with a new coach the team was steadily climbing the rankings. Georgia led by a senior talented quarterback was an odds on favorite to win the game but not many if any could have predicted the finish that would take the internet by storm.

Ricardo Louis amazing tipped catch 
Auburn player Ricardo Louis makes remarkable game winning catch to create a viral social media sensation.
(GIF/Photo Credit:

The tipped pass for a game-winning touchdown soon shot across online and was talked about everywhere online from ecstatic Facebook statuses from those watching the game, live videos from those in attendance, shocked tweets by fans and sports journalist, and of course the eventual GIF's from the popular site BuzzFeed  with memes that soon covered all social media sites. It was something in the sense that "broke the internet" and something that took notice from all over the country.

Auburn Tops Georgia On Instantly Legendary "Marshall Miracle"

Are you kidding me?! posted on

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Smart Phones, Tablets, and Social Media Oh My! Inside the World of Mobile Only and Marketing

Take a look around your work office, grocery store, favorite mall, or even your home. Chance are you will see someone on their smartphone, an even larger chance is you will see many people on their smartphones. Ever since the development of the I-phone, there has been a shift in how we use our phones. Gone are the days when the use of a phone was just used to call home. Now you can check your email, social media, receive news updates, shop or just browse online. With the use of smartphones it has completely changed the way organizations and companies market products. Now, more than ever, a company gives you the chance to get connected through the use of your mobile phone but will we eventually become a "mobile only" society or stay as "mobile too"?

It's no secret that social media plays a large part in marketing today. Take a look at any ad, be it digital or print, and you will be hard pressed to find one that does not include the main three social media logos, which include Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. These tools allow for us the audience to see what the product, event, and/or organization is all about, connect to said organization and view pictures. While Facebook almost seems dated now, it seems that Twitter and especially Instagram are leading the way for marketers. And each day new forms of social media are being created, a lot of these new programs are only accessible for smartphones. For example, Instagram, which essentially started as an app to share pictures with your friends has transformed into an extremely large and popular social media site, which now has the use of uploading your own videos amongst your friends and even celebrities. However, Instagram can only be found via your smartphone, it can not be used on a regular laptop or desktop. Others are finding this trend as well such as foursquare, which allows you to check in at your favorite hang-outs and the popular video-based Vine. But, what makes a successful marketing campaign through a "mobile only" society and how big a role does social media play?

Successful social media button apps made available through mobile only devices.

Social Media marketing campaigns can be seen all over, but now there seems to be a twist. Campaigns now require the use of your smartphone and at times your mobile device is the only way to participate or in some cases even view the content for the campaign. The trend seemed to have started heavily through Twitter, with their use of hashtags aka #, the audience is able to communicate with their favorite celebrities, television shows, music artists, fashion designers and stores as well as any organization which knows how to capitalize on the trend. Singer Beyoncé made news just this December when she released her self-titled album Beyoncé with no prior advertisements or promotional press. The album was released via a tweet from the artist's account and was available for download on the mobile friendly I-tunes. It was an instant success and quickly became one if the fastest selling albums of the year, it was also heavily applauded on the way it was released. It is a fair assumption to make that the majority of those who use twitter, tweet from their mobile devices, either a mobile phone and/or tablet, due to the way this form of social media is designed. It's not just Beyoncé who has realized the strong connection between social media and marketing, let's take a look at just a  few other successful campaigns and just how much mobile devices played into the plan.

Hollywood has taken notice and while we know the popularity social media has played in the music industry, what about my favorite form of entertainment, films? With each movie release it feels like the audience can get connected more and more the film, characters, actors, directors, and the experience as a whole. Case in point, let's go back to early 2009, when a film from the horror genre was making waves at film festivals and special screenings. By word of mouth from those in attendance through the use of Facebook and Twitter, Paranormal Activity  was gaining attention yet hardly any theaters carried it. It was being touted as the scariest movie of the year and some critics going as far to say the scariest film ever, by a push from the director and writer as well as the actors, horror fans clamored to tweet and Facebook their thoughts to their city cinemas to bring the film to them. This resulted in Paranormal Activity  eventually receiving a wide-release in North America as well as the #1 spot at the box office Halloween weekend and the eventual gross of $212,550,420. The film continued this strategy for the sequel which was even more popular than the first. Since 2009, Paranormal Activity has become a successful franchise with three films after the original, a spin-off, and a film to be released this coming October. Had it not been for social media and mobile devices for audience to tweet their reactions and pictures of sold out theaters, the franchise would not likely exist.


(Above: successful campaign for the film Paranormal Activity 2.) Credit for picture: the Official Paranormal Activity 2 Website.

Actors and directors use social media marketing to gain attention for the film but what about getting attention to make the actual film made? Look no further than the recently released Veronica Mars. For years, fans of the television show Veronica Mars have been asking the actors to make a film. Over Twitter, actress Kristen Bell and creator of the show Rob Thomas tweeted a video to announce they had started a "kick starter" campaign and if fans could raise the money for the film, it would be made. "Kick Starter" is a program that allows fans to give donations to get a project funded for their respected actors, directors, and/or writers. The actors and those involved in the project would tweet and Instagram videos and messages to the fans asking for them to donate. The film was funded easily and almost all promotion was done via social media. Including fans to post their opinions, thoughts, and crowd showings through Twitter, Instagram, and Vine on opening weekend.

                                                                (Photo Credit: Official Veronica Mars Movie Website)

Organizations and corporations also realize the importance of combining mobile devices and social media for a key marketing tool. The Walt Disney corporation always seems to be ahead of the curve and their campaigns always come across as imaginative, creative and of course magical. On the official Disney Twitter and Instagram in February 2014, a teaser was posted of a special event taking place this May and to be on the lookout for an announcement made available only through select social media sites. A few days later a creative picture with all Disney characters in the shape of the Twitter created hashtag was posted and the announcement of the 24 hour  opening of both Disney parks was made.

 (Photo Credit: Walt Disney Parks)

Disney has also ventured into the realm of distance running. The titled brand "runDisney" has events ranging to 5k's to marathons and has become famous for keeping those who want to participate on their toes and well, smartphones. Everything from registration announcements, new events, and excusive event meet-ups are posted on social media and you must have access to your phone at all times as potential participants will be left out of these events. In February, runDisney began to drum up publicity and hype a new event. Chalk drawings were scattered all over the Disney parks and it did not take long for the pictures to go viral. Soon, it was all over and runDisney made the announcement to watch social media in the following days to find out about the event. It was revealed to be a 5k and half-marathon with a popular Avengers theme at the Disneyland Resort in California. The 5k sold out in minutes and the half-marathon sold out in the hour. Proof that social media marketing and mobile devices do work well together.

 (Photo Credit: runDisney)

It's safe to say that mobile applications and marketing isn't going away anytime soon. But, will we soon conform to a "mobile only" society? I would actually have to say no, at least not at this time. As readings in the course suggested there is still a need for other devices besides mobile and other options that can be used in regards for things such as marketing. Also, you must continue to look at the audience as a whole, while a younger generation may embrace fully mobile, an older generation might be more hesitant. Organizations and companies want to reach as much of an audience as they can so it is key that they make sure they have tools and marketing technique for all aspects.  I agree that we will continue to be a "mobile too"  society but organizations/corporations/entertainment, etc. must continue to keep up to date in the ever changing spectrum of mobile communication and it's exciting to see what will come next!

Have you ever participated in an online/social media marketing campaign? Would you? What are some mobile campaigns that have caught your attention?

Share your thoughts and thanks for reading!