This class has been extremely informative and I am so glad that I was able to be part of it. I think this class did a great job of touching on the subjects that we as future strategists should definitely know about. It was wonderful learning about social media and viral marketing, two of my favorite subjects to learn about but can always find out something new. In this profession and industry, everything is constantly changing and it is important you stay up to date and current in all realms of communication. I also really enjoyed the professional blog aspect of class, it was really cool to learn and create my own blog and now that I see that it's pretty fun and interesting to keep up, I want to start my own running/fashion/pop culture blog! I have wanted to for a while now but running this blog has given me the confidence to do so.
I also wanted to take the time to thank my professor, Dr. Padgett. He did an absolutely amazing job with this class and was very sad to hear he was retiring after this course wrapped. I would have loved to have taken another course with him but I understand that after years of hard work he deserves this. Thank you again for creating such a wonderful class experience! What a great way to really involve the class with discussion posts and of course our professional blogs.
And, thanks to those of you who have read be it either a classmate or someone who just wanted to learn more about strategic communication. I leave you with these words from Benjamin Franklin "Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn."
Have a great ending to the semester and enjoy the summer!

Thanks for reading!!
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